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Forward Leg Lunges: Workout #2

How to do a Stationary Lunge

Proper form for Stationary Lunges

“I like big butts and I cannot lie….” Remember that tune? Sir Mix-a-Lot’s ode to ladies with ample bottoms? The lyrics were a little naughty but, as one of said ladies, I was grateful for someone respecting, rather than rejecting, the “junk in my trunk”.

You don’t hear the song much anymore but it’s message struck a nerve. Flat butts be damned, we’ve now got Apple Bottom Jeans, Kim Kardashian and an adjective every girl aspires to – bootylicious.

To take your “junk in the trunk” from saggy to sexy, follow the recipe below.

FOCAL MUSCLES: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings
VARIATIONS: 1 set of 12 reps right leg forward (1 count lunge, 1 count up); 1 set 12 reps right leg pulses (quick lunge dips without break between reps). Copy with left leg forward.
SUGGESTED DURATION: Repeat above sequence 3 times. For higher intensity, raise back leg directly behind at 45 degree angle between lunges on slower (1 count lunge, 1 count up) set while raising straight arms overhead a la Superman.

Neutral position for Stationary Lunges

Pos 1: Legs wide, hips tucked, shoulders back

1.  Take a huge step forward with your right leg, as if you were preparing for the splits. The toes on your back and front leg should point forward.

2.  To start, find “neutral” position, where your shoulders are above your hip bones. Draw your belly button back and your hips forward, reversing the S shape of your spine. Place your hands on your hips, extend them laterally for balance or maintain “samurai pose” for a pectoral workout (see points in Workout #1 for further explanation).

Proper form for Stationary Lunges

Pos 2: Forward knee above ankle, torso aligned with hips

3.  Bend both knees without letting your forward knee pass in front of your forward ankle. Lower your back knee towards the ground, stopping when your front thigh is parallel to the floor.

4.  Return to neutral position.

5.  Repeat variations as above.

To add intensity and cardio to this strength training exercise, raise your back leg straight behind you at a 45 degree angle between each lunge. Be sure to keep your shoulders and hips in line (i.e. don’t lean forward when you extend your back leg). Your glutes should flex with each raise.

Well done! Add this to your routine three times a week and your bum will be bikini-ready and bootylicious in no time.

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